• Demonstrate knowledge of the major influences in human 
  • Explain the structure and function of the brain.
  • Understand the developmental changes in various developmental 
    stages across the life span.
  • Analyse the importance of developmental psychology in social 
    work practice and be able to link with real life situations
  • Able to identify the use of theoretical concepts in lifespan stages in 
    social work practice
    Understand the theories related to human development

*Display an depth knowledge about the community organization process.
 Understand the use and practice of community organization in various
fields of social work.
 Explain the role of social worker in social action and social reform for
social development.
 Able to undertake social audit, social impact assessments
 Able to analyze ongoing community organization programmes.
 Identity the emerging trends and experiments in community organization

 Understand Social Case Work as a method of Social Work and apply it 
as an intervention method.
 Demonstrate knowledge of the values and Principles of Social Case 
Work and to develop the capacity to practice them.
 Acquire the required skills for practicing social case work.
 Demonstrate ability to adopt a multi- dimensional approach in 
 Able to document and social case work practice
 Apply social case work method in various settings.




Total Credits: 3                                               Total Hours: 54

Course Outcomes

  ·         Understand the history of social work approaches with respect to  underlying ideologies and philosophies.

·         Appreciate social work as a profession and to recognize the need and importance of Social Work Education, Training and Practice.

·         Identify the importance of professional values and ethics in social work practice.

·         Understand different fields of social work intervention and the issues and concerns of social work practice in India.

·         Understand the social movements and role of social reformers in social welfare.

·         Understand the present issues faced by social work profession.