Develop perspective about the interrelatedness of human life and
Develop an understanding of problems arising out of environmental
degradation and globalization.
Study the role of social work practice in tackling environmental issues
and disaster management.
- Course creator: ANITTA JAISON
This paper deals with different categories of children, their needs, issues and policies for their welfare and development.
- Course creator: Sona Jacob
Acquire understanding on the evolution of psychiatry and attitude
towards mental illness.
Demonstrate knowledge and skills of assessment in mental health
Demonstrate knowledge of clinical psychopathology.
Develop an understanding of the nature, causes, types and treatment of
mental health disorders in children, adolescents and adults.
Acquire knowledge of Socio-Cultural Factors influencing mental
Develop a critical understanding of Mental Health Policies.
- Course creator: Lijo Abraham
- Course creator: Navya Antony
- Course creator: Midhun C P
- Course creator: Sona Jacob
- Course creator: ANITTA JAISON
- Course creator: AKHITHA K RAGHU
- Course creator: Mini KP
- Course creator: Anju Kunjoonju
- Course creator: JOSHIN SAMUEL
Course Outcomes
Understand the concept of health and integrated approach to health in the context of Development.
Critically analyze plans and policies/services in health and implications for social work practice.
Demonstrate knowledge on concepts of Community Health, community participation, vital indicators and demographic data of health.
Develop skills for intervention in community health sector.
Module 1 Community Health & Epidemiology
UNIT 1: Community Health-Definition and Scope. Concept of Public health- Definition, Objectives and Areas of Public health
UNIT 2: Concept and various dimensions of: International /Global Health, Environmental health, Nutritional Health, Occupational Health, Maternal
and child health Community Mental Health.
UNIT 3: Meaning and scope of epidemiology: Models and factors associated with health and diseases, Preventive and promotive health
UNIT 4:Special aspects of community health-Alcoholism and Drug Dependence –Agent factors, prevention, treatment and RehabilitationPhysical and Psychological aspects of Community Health
Module 2 Health care system and health problems in India
UNIT 5: Definition of health, aspects and indicators of health. Health care systems: Organization of the various health care system- Private Health system, Indigenous system, Voluntary health system, Problems of health care system
UNIT 6: Important health problems in India- Current Major healthcare issues.UNIT 7: Health Economics - Basics of health economics, Demand/Supply of Medical Care.
Module 3 Health Policies and Programmes
UNIT 8: Policies -National Health Policy, Population Policy, Health for
all, Population Dynamics in India and Kerala, GOI & State Govt. Policy in
implementation of Health insurance
UNIT 9: National Health programmes: Family welfare; Maternal & Child
Health, ICDS; School Health Programmes, National Health Mission
(NHM), UIP NEMP; NLEP; NTP; Diarrhoeal disease control Programme:
IDD, AIDS Control programme , National Programme for control of
blindness, welfare measures for the physically challenged.
UNIT 10: 13 International Health organizations (WHO, UNCEF, Red
UNIT 11: State health programmes for weaker sections, physically
challenged and developmentally challenged
Module 4 Health Planning and Management
UNIT 12: Concept of Health Planning & Planning Cycle,
UNIT 13: Health Planning in India and Five Year plans
UNIT 14: Healthcare planning process: Information Gathering, Analysis
of Health Situation, Establishment of Objectives and Goals, Assessment of
Resources, Fixing Priorities, Write-up of Formulated Plan, Programming
and Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation
UNIT 15: 18 Management techniques and methods
Module 5 Health Care Administration
UNIT 16: Concept of Health Care and levels of Health care
UNIT 17: Health care administration. Principles of healthcare
administration, HealthCare System in India-Central, State and District level,
National Rural Health Mission
UNIT 18: Primary Health care in India- sub center, primary health center,
community health center, Roles and functionsof health personnel in these level including ASHA workers.
Module 6 Social Work Interventions in Community Health
UNIT 19: Need for social work Intervention in Community health
UNIT 20: Skills of a social worker in health care
UNIT 21: Preventive and promotive programmes
UNIT 22: Health education in schools/families/communities. Role of
social worker in community health care services
- Course creator: Midhun C P